Perial AM Will Launch PF Hospitalité Europe

Main Photo: The Medical Facility Hotel in Brisbane, being built

Date: September 2020

Location: Europe

Name: PF Hospitalité Europe

No. of Keys: TBA

Who: Perial Asset Management is diversifying its range and on November 1 will launch PF Hospitalité Europe, a European SCPI focused on hospitality real estate, with a potential return target of 5% for the first year.

“The SCPI aims to meet the expectation of savers to give meaning to their savings and is naturally in line with the continuity of its elder PFO2, the first SCPI with an environmental orientation, created in 2009 by Perial Asset Management, says the group. in a press release. PF Hospitalité Europe relies on the expertise that Perial AM has developed on the environmental theme, and adds a societal dimension to it by positioning itself in the hospitality sector. The challenge is therefore to respond to the structural societal needs of European metropolises. ”

The SCPI will be invested in the accommodation, health, education and hotel sectors, sectors that the group believes driven by strong European demographic trends: the aging of the population, the increase in the student population, mobility needs linked in particular to new, more nomadic working methods, or to tourism.

“With PF Hospitalité Europe, Perial AM wishes to contribute to the development of health infrastructures (EPHAD – retirement homes, clinics, medical and care centres) and to participate in the development of the educational fabric (student residences, nurseries, schools): a sector in under – offers, the company advances. Finally, the hotel sector has been particularly affected by the crisis. Like all periods of crisis, the one linked to Covid-19 will create opportunities for investors. Perial AM’s expertise will enable it to identify them and position itself to seize them ”

To achieve this objective, Perial AM relies on its team of experts and its mastery of the entire real estate value chain. The nature of the targeted buildings, of the operating buildings located outside France, will make it possible to sign long-term leases, and will give investors long-term visibility on potential future income.

The REIT’s target real estate assets will thus be located outside France, in dynamic metropolises in Euro zone countries such as Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and even Spain. This geographic diversification mutualises risks: “With PF Hospitalité Europe, we are increasing the investment universes,” underlines Yann Videcoq , Director of Fund Management at Perial AM. The target countries are based on various fundamentals, including demographics, and follow different economic cycles. ”

Eric Cosserat , Chairman and CEO of Perial AM, adds: “PF Hospitalité Europe completes PERIAL AM’s offer by offering a savings solution with a societal dimension, in the extension of PFO2, the 1st SCPI with an environmental vocation. Perial AM is fully involved in social and societal issues such as the implementation of accessible accommodation solutions or even support in sectors with high social impact such as health or education. As with all of our SCPIs, we will attach great importance to ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) criteria, from the selection of buildings to their rental management. ”

THPT Comment: We are beginning to see more Funds being raised to hone in on Hospitality…one man’s misfortunes is another’s gain! Why not combine healthcare with hospitality…Medical Hotels for the less acute, long-term hospital patients…as the have done in Australia and Scandinavia?

First Seen: Business Immo.EU

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