Opportunity to Invest in Fund for 15 Hotels in Germany by 2021

Location: Mainly Germany – around western border

Name: Be Me Hotels/Fund

No. of Keys: Around 750 – 10 anchor location hotels – 100 rooms plus 5 satellite locations 50 rooms each 

The Fund: BE ME Fund is raising €35m – €45m to initially acquire/open 7 operating hotels and 3 mid-size hotels. Looking to create an 11% return for the investor/s – adjusted for EPRA 8%. Leverage – upto 20% LTV, Dividend policy – 90% of net profits.

The BE ME Hotels Mission Statement for stage one is to establish presence mainly around the western border of Germany, to create anchor and satellite locations up to 50 km from each other to enable the group to save on operating costs and penetrate additional markets in the region more easily. To become a top player in the hospitality sector in the region by acquiring, renovating and operating around 15 hotels by 2021.

The BE ME Hotels management team for Be Me Hotels is in place headed up by Naftali Bar Natan, a seasoned real-estate developer, as CEO with a CFO, CMO, CTO and two board members identified/appointed.

The first one, with 30 years hotel experience as CEO of the Sheraton hotel group in Israel, CEO of Tamares Chain and several senior positions in Dan Hotels, and the second one with 25 years in global hotel chains, served as VP Marketing and Business Development.

A full business plan has been drawn up by Solomon Capital Group, a leading cross-border investment bank.

The Be Me Fund will be managed by David Solomon and small management team including investor representatives. David is the founder and active chairman at Solomon Capital, with over 25 years of cross border experience, he is one of the leading experts in the field of Corporate Finance.

As part of the business development plan, several hotels have been identified as potential investment and include:

60 room four-star business hotel in Dusseldorf city-centre, in renovation, with a nightly room rate tariff of €225

55 room three-star business/tourist hotel in Lahr, with a nightly room rate tariff of €100

55 room four-star business hotel in Munich city-centre, with a nightly room rate tariff of €250

73 room three-star sport/business hotel in Goch, with a nightly room rate tariff of €105

60 room four-star tourist hotel near Freibug, with a nightly room rate tariff of €100

Two three-star tourist hotels (35 & 37 rooms each) in the Black Forest, with a nightly room rate tariff of €100

Main Photo: The new design bedroom at Be Me Hotels

Tenure: All hotels are/will be freehold

Brand/Management: BE ME Hotels

Financials: Full financials available upon signing a NDA and LOI

Current Owner: As above

Agent: The Hotel Property Team

Investment: – from €5m to €45m

Date Posted: October 2019

THPT Comment: A great opportunity to get in on the ground floor for this hotel fund/chain of 15 hotels.

Contact us for further information

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The Hotel Property Team (THPT) is a small group of highly experienced business professionals. Between us, we provide a range of skills and experience which is directly relevant to those involved in the hotel property market.

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