Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital Trust Buys 20 Units from Podtime

Main Photo: The CEO of Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust welcomes in the first of 20 Podtime beds units.

Date: May 2020

Location: UK and 20 countries

Who: Podtime, the UK designer and manufacturer of sleep pods, has experienced significant demand for its products from hospitals needing rest facilities for under-pressure staff in these difficult coronavirus times.

So far nearly thirty hospitals are using the pods including the recent order for 20 units from Guys/St Thomas’s in London and there are several others in the pipeline. Whilst hospitals have always been regular clients the recent crisis has much increased interest from the sector, and Paul Grindrod, Director of the company says “obviously we discount heavily for the NHS as you would expect and we’ve been fortunate to keep up production levels in spite of the difficulties, so we’re happy to be of assistance to these great guys on the front line who do so much for the rest of us”

Podtime has sold nearly 600 pods to 20 countries in the last few years and clients are offices, universities, sports teams, data centres and airports amongst other sectors. There are Podtime pods in a helicopter base in Antarctica and at the other end of the planet on a research vessel in the Arctic, and there are Podtels (pod hotels) in Russia and the UK.

THPT Comment: OK so Simon Woodroffe invented Yotel, as a pod hotel. Paul Grindod and his team went a stage further by offering companies the opportunity to just buy the pod bed to put in a spare office, corridor or anywhere to give their staff a place to nap, or sleep the full night!

First Seen: Podtime website

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