Hospitality and The Homeless….Radisson Hotels

Main Photo: The three Radisson Hotel Group hotels in Johannesburg came together to hand out care packs on route to SOS Children’s Village situated in Ennerdale. Items which were donated included over 1,100 soap bars, 120kg of laundry soaps, fruit, vegetables shampoo and conditioner. They also received 100 sandwiches, chocolates and juice boxes from Thomas Sabo to provide to the SOS Children’s Village. The hotels gathered hand towels, linen, slippers, face cloths, bottled water, juice, chips, colouring books and crayons.

The staff of the hotels also donated educational toys, kiddie’s clothes and amenities as well as lunch for the 67 children and six teachers at Thandulwazi Day Care Centre. In addition, the hotels donated old uniforms and amenities to the Kotze Street Shelter.

Date: January 2020

Location: Global

Name: The Homeless and What Radisson are Doing

Based on our Article in December 2019:

Who’s Doing What Currently: Radisson Hotels worldwide work to provide Food, Shelter and a better Future for local communities and partner with leading international children’s charity SOS Children’s Villages.
As part of the company’s Responsible Business strategy, they aim to have each of their hotels sponsor at least one child. Last year their hotels worldwide donated €1m to charity and performed 29,000 volunteer hours for various charities.

Multiple actions happen on a local level to assist homeless people, for example:

– 11 Radisson hotels in South Africa mobilised their teams for the homeless on Mandela Day – Teams from all the hotels jumped on coaches in their cities and at stop off points, handed out gifting and care packets to the homeless.
– Radisson hotels in Istanbul cooperate with the Hayata Sarıl Restaurant, which is a normal restaurant during daytime hours. However, after 19:00, there are no regular customers, because homeless people are offered free meals. Various team members volunteer on a regular basis.
– Following the re-branding of our amenities, various hotels e.g. the Radisson Blu Manchester Airport donated hundreds of surplus mini toiletries to a local homeless shelter.

THPT Comment: Fantastic…if each of their 1,100 hotels did a small thing like these examples, that amounts to a lot of help…They produce an annual Radisson Responsible Business Report, for which 2019 will be out in March 2020…we shall report on their efforts this past year at that time. We wait to hear from other hotel chains (and independents) as to what they are doing.

First Seen: From an email from Inge Huijbrechts, Global SVP Responsible Business and Safety & Security.

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