Israel 2021 Investment Summit Will Be Held July 27 in Tel Aviv

Main Photo: The banner advert for the event

Date: July 2021

Location: TLV Stock Exchange Conference Centre, Tel Aviv, Israel

Name: The Israel Investment Summit

What: The Israel 2021 Investment Summit will be held on July 27 in Tel Aviv with the participation of senior officials from Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

The guest of honour at the conference, which is the first of its kind after signing the Abraham Acord and after the “Corona Year” is the Ambassador of the Emirates to Israel, H.E. Mohamed Fateh Ali Al Khaja. At his side, executives from the Israeli capital market play an active and important role, including executives from the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange; Dr. Erel Margalit, founder of JVP; senior managers from the financial, industry and business sectors as well as executives from governmental offices, such as the Ministry of Economic and Foreign Affairs.

The conference will be attended by senior business and government officials from the UAE, including the director of the Abu Dhabi Investment Office (ADIO), senior medical officers and managers of leading Investment Houses.

During the Summit, 10 innovative and high-quality companies from different sectors, including young and established companies, will be presented to the audience.

The conference will also address the Cross- Border Hotel Investment opportunities and enable participants to learn more about the hospitality sector in each country. Ronit Copeland, CEO Copeland Hospitality, a long-standing senior hotel strategic advisor will be leading a high-level discussion with top experts updating on current news worthy developments arising 10 months after the Abraham Accords.

Is it realistic to see the establishment of a substantial cross-border hotel investment fund that will support business initiatives? Will government and private institutions work together in the hotel sector? These and other important questions will be asked.

The conference will address a wide variety of the most burning business topics in Israel and abroad. Over 30 renowned speakers and experts from Israel and overseas will share information and insights from a variety of remarkably interesting areas, such as:

Capital-raising channels facing Israeli companies, including discussions on the new TASA UP channels and others.

• The impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on the merger and acquisition market in relation to various sectors

• Established business opportunities with the UAE and we will not hesitate to ask how to do it right.

• Insights into the fascinating window of the economy of the Arab sector in Israel

• We will evaluate and learn the impact of Blockchain technology and virtual currencies on the corporate sector and in general

David Solomon, the chairman of Solomon Capital Group and organiser of the summit, adds: “I have no doubt that this is a unique event of significance and importance for individual companies, both, the Israeli economy and the entire regional economic structure. This unique event is an excellent platform to build business relationships and those who cannot join us physically, can join us through our innovative and high-quality live broadcasting platform.

David Solomon, the event organiser

For more information contact David Solomon  or THPT

Partners include: Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce, Manufacturers’ Association of Israel, Israel Export Institute, Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, Al Buraq Group, The Abrahamic Business Circel, JVP, EcoMotion, HM, Genesis Tours, FDI, eventact and several others 

The event will be real as virtual and delegate rates start at US$115 for virtual attendance to US$180 for full participation.

Keynote speakers include: Dr Erel Margelit, Founder & Exceutive Chairman of JVP & Margalit Startup City, H.E. Dr Tariq Bin Hendi, Director-General Abu Dhabi Investment Office, Adiv Baruch, Israel Export Institute, Marwan Abdulaziz Janahi, MD Dubai Science Park and several others

THPT Comment: Great to see this event where Israel & UAE come together for the first time since the Abraham Accord. Not hotel specific as such, but certainly investment orientated.

First Seen: Summit press release

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