Retrieve Capital Allowances from UK’s HMRC

Date:  January 2019

Location: UK

Who: HJR Tax Solutions

What do they do: Help hoteliers – Buyers or Sellers, claim back capital allowances on “embedded fixtures” – the fixed assets in the hotel.

What do they say: The need for skilled surveyors and specialist property tax knowledge, making claims on embedded fixtures is not a service that most accountants provide and is widely misunderstood and overlooked by many advisers.

There is no better time to make a claim than prior to sale or at the point of purchase. For the Seller they can generate repayments of tax paid in the last 4 years before sale. For the purchaser, they can also receive tax repayments/future savings and effectively reduce the overall purchase price by up to 10%.

An important point to note is that the capital allowances we claim are for embedded fixtures (electrics & heating etc), rather than the loose fixtures and fittings (bed, tv’s etc) that are commonly agreed between the Buyer and Seller at the point of sale.

In our experience, having an additional pool of capital allowances to share significantly accelerates negotiations and results in a positive result for both parties.

HJR Tax work on a no-win, no-fee basis and agree around ten claims a week with HMRC for hotel owners, many of whom, were unaware of their entitlement to make such claim.

THPT Comment: Always welcome if you can get tax relief/back from the the UK’s HMRC! Ask your accountant….and then get them, or you to contact HJR. With a no-win, no-fee deal, you have nothing to lose. Do other countries operate such schemes?

First Seen: HJR Website

Contact Them: Either via THPT or direct to Sebastian Paimensalo

The Hotel Property Team (THPT) are a small group of highly experienced business professionals. Between us, we provide a range of skills and experience which is directly relevant to those involved in the hotel property market.

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