Save The Planet and Save Money

Main Photo: The Bath Spa Hotel

Date: March 2020

Location: UK

Name: Responsible Power

Who Did They Do It For: Since 2015, Macdonald Hotels have been looking into ways to reduce their carbon footprint.

Their newly formed energy committee was tasked with reducing the groups energy consumption which can account for up to 60% of a hotels carbon footprint. Macdonald Hotels had analysed their top 30 energy consuming buildings which were roughly spending £5.2 million per year on energy!

The committee had a goal in sight, but were not exactly sure of how to get there. They were evaluating the ROI and measuring up different efficiency projects; boiler upgrades, CHP units, lighting upgrades, double glazing etc.

What Did They Do: They partnered with Responsible Power, a UK company with offices in London and Scotland.

Responsible Power are an energy management company focused on the hospitality industry. Over the last 5 years, Responsible Power have been working to eliminate Macdonald Hotels’ unnecessary energy wastage throughout the daily operations of the hotels. Responsible Power did this by providing expert advice based on real time data on energy consumption, broken down by department & function.

RP turn energy from a fixed to a variable cost that can be managed. They estimate that unnecessary energy wastage accounts for up 30% of a hotels bill and it is easily solvable.

How Did the Partnership Go: Responsible Power’s monitoring systems were installed into the top 30 Macdonald Hotels sites from 2015. They helped to deliver just over £2 million of savings over a five-year period, with around £900,000 in 2019 alone.

Since launch, Macdonald Hotels have slashed their carbon usage by around 20%, saving over 6.1 million KG of CO2, roughly the same as driving 15 million miles. This equates to planting a small forest of some 105,000 trees.

Every management level has benefited from brief daily usage reports giving visibility & the tools to address their energy waste. Responsible Power’s engineers regularly audit the sites, making further suggestions to the teams of how they can reduce consumption.

Responsible Power have recently launched a new service, making their offering easily available for hotels of medium to large size (80 rooms+) to reduce their consumption by up to 30%.

Following an initial discussion, Responsible Power will conduct a free survey to highlight the best ways your hotel can focus on reducing costs.

THPT Comment: THPT have a real passion for helping the hotel industry “clean-up it’s act” in terms of carbon emissions and will feature companies like Responsible Power that can help hotels achieve this…and besides being Green, it helps the bottom-line. Contact us at THPT to get in touch with their Max Dodd-Noble.

First Seen: Article commissioned from Responsible Power

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